UK / Ireland

Below is a complete convention listing every gaming convention in the UK and Ireland. We've done our best to list them all, but if any are missing, please submit them using our Game Con Submission Form.

For those traveling from the US to one of these conventions a couple of terms are different in British vs. American. Vendor is trader, figure(s) can be used for both miniature(s) and war game, a booth is a stall, Sat-Nav is a GPS device, and finally, we've seen Freeform used to mean both LARP and open gaming. Nothing too major, but worth noting.


Alcon (Leicester, Leicestershire (central England)) anime convention

Attack! (Wiltshire (between Bristol and Southampton)) war game convention

Baycon (Kennford, Devon (Exeter area)) games convention

Campaign (Milton Keynes (between London and Birmingham)) war game convention

Consequences (Christchurch, Dorset (Southampton area)) LARP (freeform) gaming convention

ConTingency (Hampshire) role playing game con

Continuum (Leicester (central England)) games convention

Dragonmeet (Kensington Town Hall, London) gaming convention

EGX (Birmingham) video game convention

Furnace (Sheffield) role playing convention

Grand Tribunal UK (Cheltenham (between Birmingham and Bristol)) Ars Magica game con

Kitacon (Birmingham) multi genre con

Legionary (Exeter, Devon) miniature games convention

London Anime and Gaming Con (London) anime con

Longcon / Volcon (Sheffield) role playing convention

ManorCon (Leicester (central England)) board games convention

MidCon (Derby (Nottingham area)) board game convention

Nine Worlds GeekFest (London) multi genre convention

North Star (Sheffield) sci fi role playing game con

PaizoCon UK (Birmingham) game convention

Play Expo Manchester (Manchester) video game convention

Rezzed ( Brighton, East Sussex (southern coast of England)) indie video game convention

Salute (London) miniatures war game convention

Seven Hills (Sheffield) roleplaying game convention

Shadow Con (West London) game convention

SoRCon (Colchester, Essex (eastern England)) board game convention

Tabletop Gaming Live (Birmingham) games con

UK Games Expo (Birmingham) game convention

Wargamer (Birmingham) war games convention

WynterCon (Eastbourne, East Sussex (Southeast England)) multi genre convention


Clonakilty Games Festival (Clonakilty (Cork area)) board game convention

Conclave (Limerick) gaming convention

Cork RPG Con (Cork) role playing game convention

Gaelcon (Dublin) game convention

Hobocon (Dublin) gamer convention

Itzacon (Galway (western Ireland)) game convention

KnaveCon (Limerick) gaming convention

LepreCon (Dublin) games con

Vaticon (Dublin) games convention

WarpCon (Cork) gaming convention

Northern Ireland

AmberCon NI (Belfast) Amber Diceless game convention

BeAcon (Belfast) games convention

Q-Con (Belfast) anime and gaming convention


Conpulsion (Edinburgh) game convention

Play Expo Scotland (Glasgow) video game convention

Tabletop Scotland (Perth) games convention


Dragondaze (Newport (Cardiff/Bristol area)) games convention

Last updated September 2019.